
"We are a united body of believers, young and old, vitally connected to God through worship and prayer, living a sacrificial and surrendered lifestyle, until the Second Coming of Jesus!"

When We Meet

Service Time & Directions

Our Sunday service starts at 10am (MST) but come early at 9:45am for fellowship and the fresh coffee & donuts we serve each week! Service typically ends at 11:30am.

If you can't visit us in person, don't worry! We livestream our services right here on our website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel. If you have any questions about our Sunday service, please contact us. If you're new here please consider filling out a Connect Card so we can connect with you!

A Welcome Letter

From Pastor Clifford

     What a joy it is to introduce you to our church! If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to consider Grace NM. We know that not everyone is at the same place spiritually, but know that we are committed to making your life in Christ all He wants it to be.
     Grace NM is a church that is committed to the person of Jesus Christ, to God's Word, and to involvement with the active work of God's Holy Spirit. We believe that relationship with God centers on coming to know Jesus, and experiencing the healing and forgiveness that comes through a relationship with Him. We invite you to come and dedicate yourself in relationship with Jesus Christ and to grow in faith with Him and us. Together we are working to become the church we believe Jesus wants us to be, the kind of church described in the Bible. A church where there is passion for the Kingdom of God, relevant teaching, heart-felt worship, honest relationships, dedicated prayer and compassionate care for those in need. We are committed to seeking the powerful presence of God in our worship gathering. We experience joyful worship, warm fellowship and challenging teachings from God's Word; a combination which touches the heart and lifts the soul.
     Grace NM is not a Sunday-only church! We are a vibrant, living body of believers that meets and ministers all during the week. Check out our events calendar for more information about places and times of ministry and opportunities for connection. The elders and staff would love to have the opportunity to sit down and talk to you about your relationship with Jesus Christ and how you can get plugged in here at Grace.
     Thank you for your interest in Grace NM; we look forward to worshiping the Lord with you!

— Pastor Clifford Chavez

What To Expect

Sunday Service


Be prepared to hear a message that is rooted and grounded in the ultimate source of truth, the Holy Bible. "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32

We encourage you to be like the faithful Bereans in Acts 17:11, searching the Scriptures to test any and all teachings to see if they may be found true.


Grace NM is a community of Christians who strive to "Love the Lord our God with our whole hearts, minds, souls and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves" (Luke 10:27) by being united in like-mindedness, love for Jesus, compassion, and humility.

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:5-6


We have an amazing group of talented worshipers whose goal is to "set the table" by preparing a place of praise and thanksgiving to our God and Creator.

"Let all that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" Psalms 150:6


Child Care

Our volunteers are excited to watch over your children and help them grow in their relationship with God. No matter their age, there is a place where they can learn and grow in their faith. To see what ministries are available for your child, click the link below that corresponds to your child's age range.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you! Fill out the form below to get started.